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Bangladesh: Bengali Forest Could Perish Along With Bengal Tiger Because Of Climate Change

RedOrbit: A new report by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) states that human development and global temperature rise is threatening one of the world’s most precious forest systems. The Bengali Forest is disappearing at a record pace and taking along with it, species that may be found nowhere else on Earth. Rapid deterioration of the mangrove forests in the Sundarbans has resulted in as much as 650 feet of coast disappearing in a single year. The report, published in today’s issue of Remote Sensing,...

India’s Vital Summer Monsoons May Decline In The Face Of Global Warming

redOrbit: India’s monsoons are a godsend for the country’s vital agricultural sector, providing life for crops which more than a billion people rely on. But a grim forecast for the future may spell doom for the nation’s food production and economy, as summer rains will be more sparse over the next few hundred years due to global warming. A new study by researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Potsdam University, Germany said the effects of frequent and severe failures during...

Extreme Weather Tied To Global Warming

redOrbit: Global warming could be leading to extreme weather events in several areas around the world, but in some areas scientists have not been able to find any link between the two at all, according to new analyses released Tuesday. Record heat waves in the UK, extreme flooding in Russia, and record drought in Texas, may have been the result of climate change, yet researchers are stopping short of blaming any single event on global warming. The analyses come from the latest State of the Climate report,...