Author Archive

Dilemma in the Marcellus Shale: How dispose of radioactive oil and gas waste?

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: A few months ago, a Marcellus Shale operator approached Leong Ying, business development manager at the radiation measurement division of Thermo Fisher Scientific, with a problem. The driller, whom Mr. Ying declined to name, was trying to dispose of oil and gas waste at area landfills but the trucks kept tripping radiation alarms. Rejected trucks had to be sent back to well pads or taken out of state, both costly options. It was happening enough that it started nudging the company’s bottom line,...

Thanks to Marcellus Shale, ‘fracking’ becomes a household word

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: The Marcellus Shale preceded the founding of Pittsburgh by a good 350 million years. The rock layer laid safely tucked a mile underground until in the early 2000s, when the shale gas -- through a combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing -- began its ascent to stardom. Now it all but defines the region. Pennsylvania has been an oil and gas producing state since the late 1800s. Thirty years ago, gas wells in Pennsylvania pumped out a respectable 118 billion cubic feet of gas in...