Archive for March 22nd, 2011

Medical profession ‘oblivious’ to role of chemicals in diabetes and obesity

Ecologist: US officials are beginning to take a greater interest in the reported links between the exposure to environmental chemicals, like Bisphenol A, with the development of diabetes and obesity The medical profession remains largely 'oblivious' to the reported links between exposure to chemicals in our daily lives and the development of diabetes and obesity, leading health specialists have told the Ecologist. Obesity and diabetes rates in children and adults are increasing in many countries across...

Japan Crisis Sparks Nuclear Waste Questions In U.S

National Public Radio: The nuclear crisis in Japan is prompting scrutiny of nuclear power plants in the U.S., leading to a decades-old question: What to do with all the spent nuclear fuel produced here? The law says the federal government is supposed to take nuclear waste off the hands of plant operators. The Department of Energy had planned to store it underground in Nevada at Yucca Mountain. But President Obama "” fulfilling a campaign promise "” put a stop to that controversial program, leaving the long-term storage...

Mauritania, Kuwait, Jordan water said least secure

Reuters: Mauritania, Kuwait and Jordan have the least secure water supplies, according to a ranking on Tuesday that says shortages in the Middle East and North Africa might cause political tensions and even higher oil prices. The list, by British risk analysis group Maplecroft, said businesses needed to take more account of water security in investment decisions due to rising demand from a growing population and other impacts such as climate change. It said Mauritania in West Africa had the least secure...